It's Time to Face the Facts: Zionism is Inherently Anti-Semitic

by Leon Lorraine, Dec. 7, 2023
Leon Lorraine insists that the decolonization of Israel is the essential demand amidst the global rise of antisemitism.

300 Jewish activists arrested at anti-war protest that shut Grand Central Station, Haaretz, October 28, 2023.

At the time of writing, Israel has recently experienced an unprecedented attack from the Islamist, anti-colonial, pro-Palestinian force known as Hamas. All too predictably, the previously broad and robust opposition to Netanyahu's far-right coup fell apart, and then fell over themselves to prove their loyalty to his militarist regime, lending full support[1] to his conversion of the Gaza strip from a concentration camp to an extermination camp. Even now, as Israel massacres civilians indiscriminately (including Israeli prisoners)[2], formerly "progressive" voices have made it clear that their dubious support for Palestinian liberation is conditional upon the certainty of that liberation's containment within “safe forms” to be dictated by Israel and the US. Any alternative to this stance (containment to the point of non-existence), we are told, jumps from respectable progressive politics into the realm of anti-Semitism. The idea that Palestinian liberation is anti-Semitic has been debunked[3] clearly and often enough that it should be plain to anyone who is not already loyal to the Israeli state beyond all reason, so it does not need to be addressed here. Instead, we need to affirm a truth which is sadly less obvious, but no less factual: Zionism is, and always has been, an anti-Semitic ideology. This may sound extreme, but it is the only conclusion at which a principled individual can arrive when confronted with the evidence. Masquerading as Judaism’s salvation, Zionism was only a radical fringe movement before the rise of fascism in Europe, promoted by prominent yet eccentric members of our community’s elite, and echoed by the ignorant whenever their prospects in their true homelands felt the most desperate. The majority of Jews saw Zionism for what it was: just one more blood soaked Final Solution to the world’s “Jewish problem.” Today, this idea has taken root throughout the Jewish world, and has totally captured its leadership. As a result, the Jewish people are now marching blindly toward a disaster which our ancestors could see all too plainly, but which is now illuminated only briefly in the occasional flash of a Palestinian rocket. This humanitarian catastrophe is already consuming the Palestinian people, but readers should make no mistake: the virus of colonialism always feeds on the flesh of its own host, eventually. Therefore, it is for both our own sake and the sake of the people of Palestine that we must draw back the curtain, and reveal the fundamentally anti-Semitic logic behind the ideology of Zionism which the public is so often told is inseparable from Jewish civilization.


First of all, we must deal with the most childish, but most common argument for Zionism: "We were here first." Setting aside momentarily the ethics of massacring, imprisoning, disenfranchising, and exiling millions of people from their homeland on the basis of this argument alone: who is "we," exactly? While new peoples have immigrated to or invaded Palestine many times, the original Palestinians (that is to say, the original Hebrews) never completely left. Modern Palestinians certainly have just as much, if not more "biological" Hebrew heritage as I, or any other Jew who currently claims the right to resettle their “ancestral homeland.”[4] In truth, of course, it's impossible to say "Palestine" or "Israel" had the land "originally," as both terms refer to social and political identities which obviously did not exist in the time of the ancient Hebrew kingdom, a society which we do not even know very much about.

Now, what about the "Biblical" argument, the argument that the Jewish religion itself specifically demands Jewish colonization of Palestine? If anything, this idea is even more easily debunked. It must be understood that the religious argument for Zionism is a complete myth, and a total revision to Jewish theology. This does not particularly matter in and of itself, since revisionism is not necessarily a bad thing. However, this revisionism needs to be addressed in light of the thought terminating “orthodoxy” argument we so often hear in favor of the state of Israel, which claims that there is some ancient, non-negotiable Zionism inherent to the Jewish religion. In the 21st century, almost every orthodox and ultra-orthodox group is extremely Zionist, but this is only a recent development. Until the state of Israel was actually instituted, most religious Jews took for granted[5] that the restoration of Jewish sovereignty in Palestine would take place only after the revelation of the messiah. Unless you believe that David Ben-Gurion was the literal messiah, this has obviously not happened. Thus, the only Jews who are taking the orthodox halakhic interpretation of Israeli sovereignty seriously are the Neturei Karta and Satmar Hasidim, sects which are currently being persecuted directly by the Israeli state for their anti-Zionist stances. These beliefs are the product not of overwhelming sympathy for Palestinians, but simply the continuation of a more orthodox interpretation of Judaism: however,  this does not exempt them from being branded traitors and self hating Jews.[note]

Etemaad Daily Videos. October, 2023. Anti-Zionist Jews clashed with Zionist Israeli police who came to take down Palestinian flags. [/note]

There is one religious group for whom the traditional messianic vision of Zionism is clearly not a problem: Christians! If one believes that Jesus Christ was the messiah, the Jewish state is long overdue. So, of course zealous Christians would be the most stalwart supporters of the Zionist project. However, let us not forget another Christian departure from Judaism: their ideas about the "correct" place for the Jewish people. The truth is that outside allies of Zionism see the entire project as a means to destroy the Jewish people forever, and I see no reason to disbelieve them on this. According to the Biblical interpretation held by the Evangelical sects who currently hold pride of place in the American Republican party, all Jews must be gathered in Israel before Jesus can return, at which point we will all convert to Christianity or be exterminated.[6][7] This sounds unbelievable, but the majority of Evangelical Christians literally believe this. [8]

While we can take some comfort in the fact that the Evangelicals are delusional, and Jesus will never actually show up to Palestine and incinerate all faithful Jews, that still leaves the more secular anti-Semites of the Christian world. Zionism follows the same logic as any other ethno-nationalist project: fitting all of humanity into ideal parochial boxes and putting everyone “back” where they supposedly belong. Therefore it should be no surprise that white nationalists have a history of supporting Zionism, and, on the other hand, Zionists have a history of cooperating with white nationalists. The Zionists utilized policies which bordered on cooperation with the Nazi regime itself at some points, only switching to a policy of harsh treatment of Nazi leaders after the war was lost.[note]

 Brenner, Lenni. 1983. Zionism in the Age of the Dictators[/note]

This alliance with anti-Jewish forces also applies to Balfour and the other British imperialist benefactors of Zionism. Winston Churchill (who was a great admirer of Nazis and fascists of all stripes before the war) had this to say about the Jewish people: “From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing.... It becomes, therefore, specially important to foster and develop any strongly-marked Jewish movement which leads directly away from these fatal associations. And it is here that Zionism has such a deep significance for the whole world at the present time. ”[note]


 When the British had to choose between honoring their obligations to Zionists or to Arab nationalists, the British  were all too happy to side with the Zionists and be rid of all the troublesome Jews which plagued their empire. Put the Jews someplace far away, and ensure a check on rising Arab power? The prospect must have been irresistible.


Meanwhile, to say that there were once anti-Zionist Jews is an understatement. In fact, perspectives which we would now call “anti-Zionism” were every bit as hegemonic in the Jewish community as Zionist ideology is today.[note]

 Kaplan, Mordecai. 1934. Judaism as a Civilization[/note] We have already explored the Orthodox opposition to Zionism, based on the simple fact that Jews could not and should not expect to return to the historical kingdom of Israel until the messianic age arrived, but liberal Judaism also once opposed the proposition of a Zionist state. Reformist movements in Judaism sought the advancement of Jews as part of the larger project of secularization in their own homelands, earning the Jewish people a place in their particular countries as one religion among several. They understood Israel to be antithetical to their aims, as claims for statehood in Palestine undermined claims for full inclusion in other states. Most tendencies in Judaism at the time were not Zionist tendencies. In fact, the only sect of Judaism which has been Zionist since its inception is the Reconstructionist movement, which correctly saw Judaism as a civilization, but only saw the future of that civilization in the nation-state form. Today, Reconstructionists are being rewarded for their longstanding loyalty with increasingly theocratic Israeli governments, whose each and every policy would make the founder of Reconstructionism, Mordecai Kaplan spin in his grave. The modern Knesset is a playground for orthodox Jews who sneer at the Reconstructionist dream of a Jewish nation and culture which evolves beyond its prejudices and superstitions.

Last but not least, there were the socialist Jews, a force so prevalent in the world communist movement that reactionaries like Churchill, Hitler, and modern radical Evangelicals would slander the whole communist project as some kind of Jewish plot. Jews in the socialist movement, whose "World to Come" was a classless, borderless society, by and large had nothing but contempt for the idea of forsaking their homes to become occupiers in Palestine. This is not to say that Jewish socialism and Zionism never overlapped, of course. After all, the kibbutz was originally marketed to the masses as a sort of progressive commune, and the Jewish labor union in Palestine served as a major economic weapon for colonization.[note]

 Wheatcroft, Geoffrey. The Guardian. May 13, 2001. Death of the Kibbutz.[/note] However, the internationalist Jewish movement, the most famous, infamous, and radical wing, always saw Israel for what it was: A trap for the Jewish people. Even the socialist Jew Albert Einstein was extremely critical of Zionism. Few today would believe that a heroic product of the Jewish culture such as Einstein said that “[s]hould we be unable to find a way to honest cooperation and honest pacts with the Arabs, then we have learned absolutely nothing during our two thousand years of suffering and deserve all that will come to us.”[9] If a prominent 21st century Jew put something like that in writing, the Haaretz opinion columnists would talk about it for months!

However, Einstein, Emma Goldman, and Leon Trotsky were only socialists who were also ethnically and culturally Jewish, not specifically Jewish Socialists. In the 19th and 20th centuries, vast swathes of world Jewry dedicated themselves to building a world where not just the Jewish culture, but even the individual Jewish worker would experience true liberation. There were mass movements of socialist Jews who rejected Israel, whose numbers ranked in the tens of thousands in Eastern Europe alone, with major chapters in the USA as well.[note]

 Lazare, Sarah. In These Times. July 13, 2020. The Forgotten History of the Jewish, Anti-Zionist Left[/note] The Bund was totally dedicated to the principle of national distinctiveness, but saw no reason why that distinctiveness ought to be dependent upon the conjuration of a traditional, sovereign nation-state. The Yiddish labor movement wanted neither ghettos nor assimilation, but prosperous Jewish communities with autonomous government, schools and papers in their own language, the right to freedom of movement, and, above all, socialism, which they saw as the only way Jews could thrive in their homelands without enduring resentment from the masses and poverty wages from the capitalists. These socialists sought autonomy in their own homelands, not sovereignty over a land to which they had no right, and they correctly saw the latter as a trap meant to dispossess them of the former. Yiddish socialism suffered a final defeat physically and ideologically in Hitler’s camps, and the future which they envisioned for the Jewish people was definitively canceled, leaving the future of the Jewish people to the Zionists.

Zionism and Anti-Semitism

Today, the anti-Zionist position is incredibly unpopular in the US (despite some recent positive trends amongst young people[note]

Wirtschafter, V., Telhami, S., Resnick, D., & Grewal, S. (2023, November 10). The generation gap in opinions toward Israel. Brookings.[/note]), but the predicted disasters have come true. The state of Israel is a danger to the Jews both within and outside its borders. As alluded to earlier, Zionism has a common interest with the anti-Semitic forces in every country on Earth. Israel is hungry for Jewish settlers to serve as foot-soldiers in its endless war with native Palestinians, so it wants us to forsake our birthplaces in order to come “home.” The Israeli state was explicitly founded upon this principle, the idea that the "diaspora" (that is to say, the actually existing, organic, multi-national Jewish culture) is an aberration to be corrected by collecting us all in the confines of Palestine.[note]

 Jewish Voice for Peace. Our Approach to Anti-Zionism.[/note] Popular Zionist thinkers were truly contemptuous toward Jews and existing Jewish life, blaming the Holocaust on European Jews’ weakness and saying things like “ Let us erase from that picture all the personality traits that are so typical of a Yid … Because the Yid is ugly, sickly, and lacks handsomeness (הדרת פנים) we shall endow the ideal image of the Hebrew with masculine beauty… The Yid is disgusting to all... The Yid has accepted submission; the Hebrew ought to know how to command.”[note]

 Jabotinsky, Valdimir (1905). Dr. Herzl.[/note] This is the true state ideology of Israel, the transformation of the real Jewish people into a fascist ideal. Israel wants us to be scared, to be unwanted, so Israel will always have an interest in sharpening the contradiction between Jews around the world and our neighbors. That is why Israel gets along so well with anti-Semitic politicians like Donald Trump, and that is why Israel sent guns to the Neo-Nazi paramilitary Azov Battalion years before the Russian invasion of Ukraine.[note]

 Brown, John. July, 2018. Rights Groups Demand Israel Stop Arming Neo-Nazis in the Ukraine. Haaretz. [/note] For all of its verbal condemnations and posturing, I cannot think of a single instance in which Israeli foreign policy has made it safer to be a Jew in this world. This is surprising only to those who are ignorant of Israel’s history, the history of a state founded by a man who said  ''Were I to know that all German Jewish children could be rescued by transferring them to England and only half by transfer to Palestine, I would opt for the latter.”[note]

 David S. Wynman. July 6, 1997. Rescue Efforts. [/note] The regime in Tel Aviv is a machine for sucking in Jewish people and financial support, and spitting out money and guns for oppressive groups all over the world who are enemies to the Jewish people in their own nations.

This cynical alliance with anti-Semitic political forces for state interest goes beyond foreign policy, threatening even the Jews who are supposedly safe under Israel’s Iron Dome. Today, it should be common knowledge that Hamas was deliberately built up as a counterweight to the increasing credibility of liberal and socialist voices pushing for decolonization, or even simply a two state solution.[note]

Hasan, Mehdi. Sayedahmed, Dina. February, 2018. Blowback: How Israel Went From Helping Create Hamas to Bombing it. The Intercept. [/note] While the Israeli government today will whip up outrage over Hamas' militant Muslim, anti-Semitic ideals, the truth is that they took steps to be certain that this would be the form that Palestinian resistance would take. Even in its military doctrines, the Israeli regime shows no compassion for Jewish citizens, blowing up and shooting hostages if they cannot be easily rescued.[note]

 Abunimah, Ali. Sheen, David. October, 2023. Israeli Forces Shot Their Own Civilians, Kibbutz Survivor Says. The Electronic Intifada. [/note] According to their calculations, Jewish safety is irrelevant, and our lives are worthless, compared to the end goal: Total conquest of Palestine. We also cannot underestimate the extent of the confusion and misinformation Israel spreads about the Jewish people. For years, Israeli leaders, with the cooperation of voices in our own communities, have spread the myth that any and all opposition to Israel is anti-Semitic. This deceptive propaganda, which deliberately blurs the line between principled criticism and bigotry, is both fuel and camouflage for actual anti-Semitism across the political spectrum.While most pro-Palestine activism never crosses the line into anti-Semitic territory, the nauseating repetition of this same refrain, that defense of Palestine and opposition to Israel is always anti-Semitic, makes it inevitable that uneducated people will take them at their word. Genuine anti-Semites notice this conflation., and cynically utilize the perceived homogeneity of Israel and Judaism and the “special relationship” between Israel and Western governments as "proof" that Jews control those governments. As a result of this deliberate obfuscation, gentiles on both sides of the debate over Israel are increasingly drawn into anti-Semitism, creating an extremely unsafe situation for Jews around the world. This is the much touted safety offered by Israel, a safety which extends to the militarized borders of Palestine (sometimes), but certainly no further.

Alternatives to Zionism

And what an inheritance to sell for this humiliating and meager pottage! Judaism is a culture thousands of years old, surviving and often thriving all over the world. All of this was accomplished without worldly dynasties and empires. While states and societies rose and fell around them, Jews were never bent or broken upon the wheel of history, a feat which is nothing short of miraculous. We never played the game of great power politics, so we never really lost, thus we maintained a type of civilization with no known equivalent in world history. While Israel today materially aids colonial regimes like Rhodesia and apartheid South Africa[note]

 Polakow-Suransky, Sasha. September, 2011. The Unspoken Alliance: Israel's Secret Relationship with Apartheid South Africa[/note], the Jewish people before Zionism were a consistent thorn in the side of nationalist and imperialist regimes, remaining defiant in the face of forces seeking to dominate and enforce cultural homogeneity. European imperialists always hated the Jewish people for precisely the reason that our culture was seemingly invincible, despite its borderless, non-militarist nature.

The greatest instance of the nationalist Jew hatred was, of course, the Shoah, the Holocaust, in which a vast and healthy Jewish community was all but annihilated. This event, more than anything else, is the justification for Zionism, the moment when Jews' status as a permanent national minority failed us.This is, of course, the primary argument for Israel's existence: it ensures that no matter how nationalist and anti-Semitic the world gets, we'll be ok, because we can flee to our own nation-state. However, it seems doubtful that this is actually the only or best solution to that problem. Imagine, for a moment, if we had poured all of the moral authority, economic resources, and sheer dedication with which we founded the state of Israel into making our actual homelands sanctuaries for the Jewish people. In other words, what if in 1945 we had demanded the right to total free movement of people across borders, autonomy for national minorities such as ourselves, and the general principle of democracy without regard to religion or ethnicity? With the resources wasted on Israel, we could have built strong, safe Jewish communities not just in Palestine, but all over the world! If we had not given in to the anti-Semitic idea that our nation's social organization was inferior to the settler-colonial model, and instead reinvigorated our own mode of existence, both Judaism and the world would be all the richer for it.

To all those who scoff at all this, who would insist that Jews need a nation-state to ensure our survival in the modern world, I ask the following: Is Israel actually accomplishing that? Honestly, ask yourself, "How will this end?" The reality is that, despite Israel's best efforts, Palestinians are still the majority of the population of "Israel-Palestine" at the time of writing, with 7.53 million Palestinian Arabs compared to 7.45 million Israeli Jews.[note]

 Times of Israel. November 14, 2023. Jews now a 47% minority in Israel and the territories, demographer says[/note] (Those numbers do not even factor in the few million Palestinian refugees abroad whose family homes were taken from them no more than 75 years ago.) This land has millions of people who are treated as second class citizens at best, and prisoners at worst, solely because of their ethnicity. No nation in history has passively accepted a situation like this, and Palestine shows no signs of becoming the first. This means that there are two endings to the situation: A) Israel perpetuates a complete genocide of the Palestinian people, gradually or quickly, reducing their number on a scale of millions or B) the Palestinian people stay a majority and wait until they can force the state of Israel out of Palestine completely. The third option, where Israel quietly keeps millions of people colonized forever, is a total fantasy. No Zionist road leads to Jewish safety and prosperity, because Israel was not designed for that. Israel was designed by British anti-Semites to be a fortress of Western imperialism in a place where Western imperialism was, and is, rapidly collapsing. The first colonized people in Europe will be left to meet an ignoble end as the last European colonizers in Central Asia.

Where Do We Go From Here?

The only way out of this nightmare, if it is not too late already, is to negotiate a peaceful restoration of Palestinian rights. This would have to include the following: a single secular republic, under the name of Palestine, with full democratic rights for Palestinians and Israelis alike, and a total right to return for Palestinians, a right which would include the restoration of their original home properties. There would also need to be some substantial reparations as well, both to smoothe over the negotiations and to correct the extreme economic imbalance between the two groups, an unfortunate necessity after decades of destruction and plunder. Note that this does not by any means exclude Jews from living in peace and prosperity in Israel. This is the only program for sustainable Jewish life in Palestine.

Zionists of all degrees will reflexively balk at any proposal which does not ensure total Jewish sovereignty, but why should equal democratic rights for all be considered so unthinkable? We have never needed ethnic supremacy to survive and thrive among the nations before, so why should we now? No one can answer that question without resorting to ahistorical Islamophobia, forgetting the centuries in which the Jew in the Islamic world could look at their counterparts under the Christian yoke with nothing but pity. There is no reason to believe Jews could not live in a nation with a Muslim majority as easily as they do nations with a Christian majority, so long as the political institutions were fairly democratic. That is the real tragedy here: that if we had navigated this situation differently, supporting democratic Palestinian nationalism against British imperialism, Palestine could have been a place where Jews live as freely and safely as we do in New York, rather than the only place on Earth where Jews actually need their own missile defense system.

Once the Palestinian nightmare is over, one way or the other, the only fruits the Jewish people will have to show for our decades of sovereignty in Palestine will be grief and shame. Imagine that Netanyahu’s clear aim comes to pass, and Israel’s thinly veiled extermination campaign against Gaza succeeds. What if the settlement process then continues, until a similar procedure is viable in the West Bank? We would have finally “secure[d] the future of the Jewish people,”[note]

 Poupko, Elchanan. August, 2017. We Can No Longer Ignore the Anti-Zionist Jews. The Guardian.[/note] as one Zionist writer puts it. Do you actually believe the world would forgive our Zionist complicity, for the deaths of these millions and the complete destruction of a people in the middle of their own homeland? Even more tragically, our own children will want nothing to do with our traditions. If Zionism is allowed to usurp Judaism completely, to commit an evil so great that it eclipses all else that we once were, Judaism will be all but lost to the future. I see this process happening already, in the new generation of 21st century anti-fascist Jewish youth whose hearts are divided by the very Jewish institutions which should be pulling us together. I know that the older, more Zionist generation sees this too, and if anyone who falls into that category has read this far, please listen to me now: the frustrating divide between your children and their cultural institutions which you are seeing is not internalized anti-Semitism, and cannot be dismissed as such. Listen to your children, and you will not hear Jew hatred, unless that is all you expect from them. You will hear the pain of fellow Jews whose historical conscience, whose Jewish values, have alienated them from their own community which should have accepted those feelings and nurtured them into practices of healing and liberation.

I know this is hard to accept, since almost every single Jew alive today has grown up hearing a fairy-tale version of Israel which they are taught to identify with completely. It's hard to hear that this happy ending for our people, the redemption for all the pain we suffered under the fascist regimes of Europe, was just the beginning of some new horror. The reason essays like this are so hard for Jews to read is because it all sounds unfair: and it is unfair! It's unfair that we were egged on to put ourselves in this situation in a moment of hurt and weakness. It's hard to admit it after falling for a con, but that's precisely what was and is happening.  If my reasoning cannot convince you, look at the footage from Gaza, footage of Israeli settlers clamoring for the total extermination of another race, and, most importantly, talk to Palestinians, then ask yourself if this atrocity is what you want the words "nation of Israel" to signify. The longer we refuse to admit the anti-Semitic, genocidal reality underpinning the state of Israel, the more damage we will do to ourselves and others, and the more humiliated we will feel once the veil is finally lifted. For a long time I held off on writing something like this, for fear that I would be branded an anti-Semite myself, someone not Jewish enough to speak with a "Jewish perspective." I now reject that logic. I reject the double standard which says I am Jewish enough to be targeted with anti-Semitic slurs, Jewish enough to take a "birthright" trip to Israel, Jewish enough even to settle on Palestinian land, but not Jewish enough to speak out against this stomach-turning perversion of the Israelite nation. I feel stuck in this awful in-between space, wanting to get closer to the only culture with which I have ever really identified, but knowing I could never donate to organizations which support a project I knew to be genocide, or even hold my tongue when the subject of Israel inevitably surfaced. Witnessing Hamas' counter-offensive and the subsequent Zionist extermination campaign against Gaza, I know that despite my fears I cannot stay in those borderlands. 

For the futures of both the Jewish and Palestinian peoples, us Jews have a unique responsibility to combat the "it's about Jews vs. Muslims" narrative. Jews must play a part to convincingly dismantle this fiction, and so the movement needs Jews who are visibly, vocally anti-Zionist, and are clear that they are doing so as Jews, as organizations like Jewish Voice for Peace, If Not Now, and Outlive Them are already doing. Jewish anti-Zionism is policed far more heavily than its equivalent in white Christian communities, but this is only because it is within our power to starve the regime of its moral authority. We may not convince everyone, but if we can reach the point where everyone knows at least one Jew who opposes Israel, that might be enough. Together we will organize more and more of our people who refuse to have their futures colonized, and forge institutions ready to accept this slowly rising tide of reawakening Jews. This will not be easy. It will mean walking a difficult path, assailed along the way with curses and condemnations from people who should have been our brothers and sisters. But this is nothing new. Judaism has always walked down  such a road: a road for contrarian, principled travelers. Until the defeat of Zionism and the total decolonization of Israel, we will stay defiant, and every year we will celebrate the Exodus of the Hebrew nation with the words "next year in free Jerusalem!"

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  1. Hendrix, Steve. The Washington Post. October 11, 2023 As Israel Reels, Netanyahu Agrees to Share Power With Opposition Party.
  2. Reuters. November 4, 2023 Hamas armed wing: More than 60 hostages are missing due to Israeli air strikes
  3. Zirin, Dave. The Nation. October 31, 2023. For the People in the Back: Anti-Zionism Is Not Anti-Semitism
  4. Glausiusz, Josie. 2015. Blood Brothers: Palestinians and Jews Share Genetic Roots.
  5. Newport, Kenneth. Gribben, Crawford. 2006. Millennialism in Contemporary Israeli Politics. 70
  6. R. Shapiro. Judaism Without Tribalism
  7. Gardiner, Steven. July, 2020. End Times Antisemitism. Political Research. Associates.
  8. Bump, Philip. May, 2018. Half of Evangelicals Support Israel Because They Believe it is Important for Fulfilling End-Times Prophecy. The Washington Post.
  9. Tonton, Thomas. May, 2023. Why Did Albert Einstein Refuse the Presidency of Israel? Princeton Alumni Weekly.
Leon Lorraine

One of many contributors writing for Cosmonaut Magazine.