Pacific Gibraltar: A Soft Introduction to Hawai'i

Aug. 19, 2024

Rudy joins Miguel, amateur historian of Hawai'i for a discussion on the history and present of the islands. We cover the first contact, the unification of the Hawai'ian kingdom, its pan-Oceanic profile, the overthrow of the Monarchy which leads to annexation and the Democratic Revolution before talking about the present struggles around military bases, tourism, land and water as well as the way that Hawai'ian identity has changed through the years.


No Makou Ka Mana: Liberating the Nation Paperback – Kamanamaikalani Beamer

Who Owns the Crown Lands of Hawai‘i? - Jon M. Van Dyke

A Power in the World: The Hawaiian Kingdom in Oceania - Lorenz Gonschor

Pacific Gibraltar: U.S.-Japanese Rivalry Over the Annexation of Hawaii, 1885-1898 - William Michael Morgan

From a Native Daughter: Colonialism and Sovereignty in Hawaii - Haunani-Kay Trask


Amid Calls For Diversification, A Look Back At Hawaii's History of Single-Industry Dominance When a State of Emergency is Declared, We Should All be Alarmed Ige and Integrity: Machine Politics and Special Interests

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