Read Le Blanc. Be careful.
Cliff Connolly, August 30, 2023
Cliff Connolly reviews Paul LeBlanc's latest work 'Lenin: Responding to Catastrophe, Forging Revolution', available from Pluto Press on September 20th. Cliff will be speaking on a panel regarding this book at the upcoming Socialism 2023 Conference titled 'Lenin: Catastrophe and Revolution.' Read Article.
Create a Mass Party!
Cliff Connolly, February 25, 2021
Cliff Connolly critiques CounterPower’s vision of the “party of autonomy” and offers an alternative vision of the mass party. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.
Lenin and Art by Lunacharsky
Cliff Connolly, January 21, 2021
In honor of Lenin on the anniversary of his death, we publish this short essay by Lunacharsky on Lenin's views regarding art. This text was originally published in “Khudozhnik i Zritel” (Artist and Audience), issues 2-3, March-April 1924, and has been translated by Reuben Woolley. Introduction by Cliff Connolly. The original source of the translation can be found here. Read Article.
Revolutionary Discipline and Sobriety
Cliff Connolly, August 12, 2020
Cliff Connolly argues for a culture of sobriety within our organizations, drawing from the example of Austrian Socialism. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.
Culture Beyond Capital: Art, Authenticity, and the 21st Century Workers’ Movement
Cliff Connolly, July 10, 2019
The course of the twentieth century has seen art and culture become increasingly subsumed into the logic of capital. A crucial element of a base-building strategy must be to foster an alternative proletarian culture outside the sphere of commodity production for the cultural enrichment and self-expression of workers, argues Cliff Connolly. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.