Steve Bloom

Steve Bloom is a New York City-based social activist, poet, and composer, life-long revolutionary and occasional commentator on current/historical events. Affiliations include the Peoples Senate campaign and the NY State Green Party.

Election 2024: Don't Mourn—Organize

Steve Bloom, November 10, 2024

White supremacy won in the 2024 elections, and the Democrats have no answers. Our only solution, writes Steve Bloom, is to develop militant mass movements for human liberation. Read Article.


The Struggle for a “Democratic Socialist Republic” and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat

Steve Bloom, December 22, 2023

Steve Bloom identifies and critiques a 'schematism' he believes is implicit in the programmatic and theoretical documents of the Marxist Unity Group. Read Article.


Strategic Solidarity with Palestine— Now More than Ever

Steve Bloom, November 24, 2023

Steve Bloom assesses recent events in the Palestine-Israel conflict and calls for global solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for liberation. Read Article.


“A Practical Roadmap for the Workers' Movement in Taking Political Power”

Steve Bloom, September 30, 2023

Steve Bloom takes on Donald Parkinson's arguments around the minimum-maximum program, warning against schematicism and calling for clarity around class content. Read Article.


For a 21st Century Marxism

Steve Bloom, February 17, 2023

Steve Bloom considers what is living and what is dead in the corpus of Marxism with the intention of forging an adequate revolutionary theory for modern times. Read Article.