Letter: MUG and R&R’s Joint Resolutions for the 2023 DSA National Convention
March 24, 2023
“Marxist Unity Group (MUG), in collaboration with Reform and Revolution (R&R), has created a set of resolutions for DSA’s 2023 National Convention in August. There are five MUG …”
Letter: For Democracy in DSA
March 23, 2023
“What does the leadership of a mass organization look like? This is a question that should be at the forefront of all political discussions within DSA. The DSA …”
Letter: Critique of the MUG Labor Strategy
March 19, 2023
“Introduction This letter is an internal critique of the Marxist Unity Group Labor Strategy, passed at our February Membership Meeting. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend the …”
Letter: In Defense of Marxist Unity Group’s Labor Position
March 19, 2023
“I have enjoyed reading the dialogue, both formal and informal, sparked by the recent release of Marxist Unity Group’s labor strategy position paper. I feel it is a …”
Letter: Responding to Luke Pickrell on 21st Century Marxism
March 17, 2023
“My thanks to Luke Pickrell for his intelligent comment on my article “For a 21st Century Marxism.” I find it surprising and encouraging that we agree on so …”
Letter: A Gap in Marxist Unity Group’s Labor Position
March 15, 2023
“I have been impressed by the ideas Marxist Unity Group has been putting forward in DSA debates for several years now. It is a shame that their Tribunes …”
Letter: Marxist Unity Group Labor Strategy Position Paper
March 9, 2023
“Organizing in the Inevitable Era “Just as British capitalism, which was also once powerful...is now on the decline, so will American capitalism, however strong it may be now, …”
Letter: Response to Steve Bloom's 21st Century Marxism
February 28, 2023
“This letter is in response to Steve Bloom’s February 17th article, ‘For a 21st Century Marxism.’ I’ll share responses to his piece and conclude by discussing a project …”
Letter: On 'Not Very Quiet in the Western Front'
February 18, 2023
“Until today, All Quiet on the Western Front was the oldest book on my Goodreads to-read list (January 2016!). When the Netflix movie came out, I watched it …”
Letter: Response to Dan Lazare
February 8, 2023
“The way in which Marxists in the US understand our own history, especially the period of the American Revolution and early republic, has been underdeveloped in comparison to …”
Letter: Join the Movement to Build a Peoples' Senate
January 22, 2023
“In it's "Seven Points of Unity" the Marxist Unity Group includes this, describing the socialist government it envisions for the USA: "Supreme power will rest in the hands …”
Letter: Our Cultural Malaise
January 21, 2023
“I had ample time during the holidays to contemplate the points made by comrade Noakes in reply to both myself and comrade Manos on the question of socialist …”
Letter: Bryan Palmer, Trotskyism, and James Cannon
January 4, 2023
“I'm not going to spend the money on a thousand-page book by Palmer. I caught him falsifying a reference in another book and wrote him about it. His …”
Letter: Reply to Carp and Manos
December 1, 2022
“If the letters of Christopher Carp and Patricia Manos are any indication, some readers may have confused an essay of critical reflection for an attempt at an exhaustive …”
Letter: The Fatal Flaw of Base Building
November 29, 2022
“The legacy of the Base Builder trend will be discussed in some sectors for a while especially as the current left struggles to regain its footing. Renato Flores …”