

Alienation and Social Reproduction among the Subaltern

Christian Noakes, December 22, 2018

Christian Noakes argues that the theoretical work of Antonio Gramsci, put in historical context, can help us understand the issues of sectarianism among oppressed groups that pit the oppressed against one another and the need to move beyond such sectarianism for a project of universal human emancipation. Read Article.


Knowledge: Power and Emancipation

Renato Flores, January 3, 2020

Renato Flores discusses the privatization of scientific knowledge and examines efforts of revolutionary movements to democratize this knowledge to help develop a communist approach to science. Read Article.


The Long Crisis of Democracy

Marvin González, June 10, 2022

The following is an excerpted version of a piece authored by NYC-DSA members Marvin González and M. Fleischman in response to Warren Montag's 2021 article "The Necessity of Taking Back the Streets: Notes on DSA." Using Montag as a starting point, González and Fleischman take on a variety of topics including questions of authoritarianism, the proper method for conjunctural analysis, examples of such analysis applied to the history of political systems that currently circumscribe political action, how those systems are instantiated and managed, especially in the face of crisis throughout different epochs, and the current political situation within the right, the liberal center, and the left. These excerpts are specifically focused on a history of the political conjuncture in the US from its founding until the late 1960s and early 70s. Read Article.


Rethinking Marxist Politics

Yanis Iqbal, June 29, 2022

Drawing from Gramscian and Althusserian approaches to pedagogy, Yanis Iqbal argues that a successful future for socialist politics must be based on a merger of Marxist theory and the recuperated progressive aspects of proletarian common sense. Read Article.


The Italian Communist Party: From Resistance to Dissolution

July 29, 2024

Read Article.