Carrying the Burden of Communist Man
Donald Parkinson, November 1, 2019
Donald Parkinson weighs in how communists should relate to our difficult history. We can neither be in denial of our failures or refuse to own up to them. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.
Solidarity Sometimes: U.S. Organized Labor's Cold War Policy in Central and South America
Hank Kennedy, March 22, 2023
Hank Kennedy presents a historical overview of the reactionary Cold War international policy of the Meany/Kirkland era AFL-CIO, with a focus on its relations with trade unions in Central and South America. Read Article.
Atom Bombs, National Security, and Empire: Year Seventy-Eight of the Cold War
Gil Schaeffer, April 1, 2023
Gil Schaeffer looks to the Civil Rights and Anti-Vietnam War movements as examples of how the modern left can best articulate its opposition to the current agenda of US imperialism. Read Article.
The New Thing: Jazz Music in the Cold War, 1950-1970 with Christian Noakes
Christian Noakes, June 17, 2024