Leon Trotsky and Cultural Revolution
Doug Enaa Greene, May 12, 2019
Doug Enaa Greene argues that in Trotsky's work a theory of cultural revolution can be found, one which differs from Mao Zedong's that was developed in the context of the Russian Revolution and its struggle against bureaucracy. Read Article.
Was Mao a Bukharinist?: The “Three-Line Struggle” in Economic Debates Preceding the Great Leap Forward
Matthew Strupp, September 3, 2020
Matthew Strupp examines economic debates in China during the leadup to the Great Leap Forward and assesses comparisons made between Mao and Bukharin. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.
Create a Mass Party!
Cliff Connolly, February 25, 2021
Cliff Connolly critiques CounterPower’s vision of the “party of autonomy” and offers an alternative vision of the mass party. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.
Letter: Balances, Supercomputers, Mao, and Socialist Planning
September 17, 2022
A response to Glushkov and His Ideas: Cybernetics of the Future by Vasiliy Pikhorovich. Read Article.
Dialectical-Strategic Practice and the Struggle-Against-Capitalism
Robert Latham, November 10, 2023
Robert Latham theorizes a renewed approach to strategy and counter-strategy that could cohere the fragmented left in an era of geopolitical upheaval. Read Article.