“Consistent Advocates of the Arab People”: Soviet Perceptions of and Policy on Palestine
Andrew Smith, August 24, 2019
Andrew Smith argues that the USSR's relation to Palestinian national liberation was more about realpolitik than earnest dedication to the cause of the Palestinian people. Read Article.
Race, Class and the Zionist State
Gus Breslauer, June 16, 2021
Gus Breslauer responds to Angry Workers of the World on the issue of Palestine and Zionism. There is no path "around" Intifada, the working class must go in-and-through it. Ready By Will Read Article.
Not Even the Dead Can Rest While the Living Remain Oppressed: Against Jamaal Bowman and His Apologists
Myra Glass, January 19, 2022
Myra Glass argues that the debate over Jamaal Bowman in the DSA represents a broader fight between those who wish for the organization to take a genuine anti-imperialist and Internationalist direction and those who are still clinging to the organization's Harringtonian origins. Read Article.
Which Way Forward for the Marxist Left?
Charlie Frank, March 23, 2022
In light of the liquidation of DSA's BDS working group, Charlie Frank argues that Marxists must continue the political fight rather than turn towards localist activism or the various left-wing sects. Read Article.