

Missing Victory? Blanqui and the Paris Commune

Doug Enaa Greene, October 13, 2018

Louis August Blanqui was a key revolutionary leader in the French Socialist movement. Yet when the Paris Commune erupted in 1871, Blanqui was in prison, leaving his core of followers without leadership. Failing to defeat inevitable counter-revolution, this experiment in social emancipation was crushed in blood.  How would have Blanqui's leadership affected the outcome of the Commune? Doug Enaa Greene, author of 'Communist Insurgent: Blanqui's Politics of Revolution' weighs in. Read Article.


A Brief History of The Paris Commune with Carolyn Eichner

April 15, 2022

Read Article.


Becoming Proletariat on Stolen Land: Decolonization and Class Consciousness

Jared Houston, August 2, 2024

Jared Houston analyzes Marxist theories of class consciousness and puts them in dialogue with the realities of settler colonialism, arguing that in order to “become proletarian” in such a context requires a revolutionary decolonial alliance with Indigenous peoples. Read Article.