

The Future is the Past: The Failure of Accelerationism

Rosa Janis, September 15, 2018

Rosa Janis takes on all the different tendencies of the intellectual fad of 'Accelerationism' and reveals the poverty of their visions of a better future and contradictory beliefs. An emancipatory movement must develop a vision of a better future without internalizing the logic of capitalism. Read Article.


How Empires Die

Rosa Janis, October 26, 2018

Rosa Janis argues for a theory of crisis and social decay that uses elements of Marx's Tendency for the Rate of Profit to Fall as well as the concept of fragility. Crisis must be understood as something not simply occurring in the economy, but the entire society as a whole. Yet the question remains whether an emancipatory politics can emerge from the stagnation and decay of civilization. Read Article.


Building the Mass Party: The Merger Formula in the American Context

Rosa Janis, December 9, 2018

What will it take to build a mass socialist party in the United States? Rosa Janis argues that socialist think-tanks may be a necessary first step, as well as a movement to reform electoral and labor laws through "anti-entryist" candidates. Read Article.


#MeToo and the Man of Mystery: Understanding Evil in the Social Hell of Capital

Rosa Janis, July 13, 2019

The case of Jeffrey Epstein is symptomatic of the morally depraved social hell that the ruling class has created on this planet, writes Rosa Janis. Read Article.


For the Unity of Marxists: A Response to Fog & Storm

Rosa Janis, September 14, 2019

Rosa Janis and Parker McQueeney respond to "DSA Convention: Fog & Storm," arguing that the approach the authors argue for de-emphasizes issues of political struggle. Read Article.


Incels, Housewives, and the Workers' Republic

Rosa Janis, October 4, 2019

Rosa Janis responds to Amber A'Lee Frost's recent article "Andrew Yang and the Failson Mystique," arguing for a socialist vision that looks beyond UBI liberalism or social-democratic communitarianism in favor of a Workers' Republic that can address sexual alienation. Read Article.


Between Friend and Foe: The Democratic Party Primary and the Future of the Empire

Rosa Janis, February 26, 2020

Rosa Janis analyzes the Democratic Party Primary election as the symptoms of a dying empire that couldn't die quite soon enough. Read Article.


Against Socialist Reactionaries: a response to Jacob Richter

Rosa Janis, May 4, 2020

Rosa Janis responds to Jacob Richter's April 9th, 2020 letter to Cosmonaut on social conservatism and the left. Read Article.