

On the actuality of Spinoza by Jørgen Sandemose

April 1, 2020

Presented here is a lecture by Jørgen Sandemose on Spinoza that is also a critique of Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri's Empire. Sandemose died last year on the 24th of September and we hope he to expose more to his work through publishing this lecture. He was a social activist as a member of the Communist University Association and editor of the Communist Workers' League journal Red Flag in the 70s. After graduation, he also worked for many years in industry, more specifically at Norgas. Sandemose wrote several books, one about his father Aksel Sandemose, many about economic theory and philosophy. More of his work can be found here. The lecture presented below was given at ’The New Space’, Manhattan, March 2008. Read Article.


To Talk of Organization – on Nunes' Neither Vertical nor Horizontal

Alex James, February 9, 2022

Alex James reviews Rodrigo Nunes' latest book Neither Vertical nor Horizontal, finding a refreshing new vocabulary for talking about organization that raises difficult questions rather than providing simple answers. Read Article.