Envisioning a Revolutionary Food System
Gringo Campesino, February 8, 2019
For the revolution to win, it must feed the people. Gringo Campesino argues for a vision of what this may look like. We publish not as a blanket promotion of this vision but to spark a greater discussion/debate on the role of agriculture in a communist revolution. Read Article.
Food, Capitalism and the Necessity of a Socialist Program
Renato Flores, July 22, 2020
Capitalist food production is based on ecological destruction, imperialism, inhumane labor practices, and the degradation of human health. A socialist program that guarantees healthy food for all is the only alternative. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.
Hunger Regime
Nathan Eisenberg, January 2, 2022
Why does capitalism produce hunger despite the overproduction of goods? Nathan Eisenberg delves into the contours of the global food system, its political economy, and its contradictions in the first of a series of articles. Read Article.
Is This Sweat, or Am I Crying?: A Worker's History of Farm and Food in the United States
Taylor Thornburg, January 13, 2022
Taylor Thornburg traces the history of capitalist agriculture from its origin in English feudalism, through the development of 'New World' slavery and Southern sharecropping, to its contemporary industrial integration with the U.S. fast food industry. As Thornburg details, through it all, farm and food workers have fought back against one of the most viciously reactionary stratum of capital, the agricultural landowners. Read Article.
The Korean Miracle’s Rural Legacy
Alex Witherspoon, November 30, 2022
Alex Witherspoon, Yu Zhou, and Alle Fang give an account of socialist agriculture in rural North Korea, arguing that the difficulties faced by the country's economy have been primarily caused by deteriorating trade conditions. Read Article.