

Anti-Postone: Translator's Preface

Maciej Zurowski, January 23, 2022

In this, the preface to Cosmonaut Press’s Anti-Postone by Michael Sommer, translator Maciej Zurowski explains the importance of Sommer’s text to the contemporary left. While the book is largely directed against broad sections of the German antifascist movement, Zurowski argues that a fallacious theory of antisemitism can be easily weaponized in other contexts against leftists and anti-imperialists. Anti-Postone, which includes this preface, along with a lengthy introduction by Mike Macnair and Sommer’s essay, has now been printed and is available for purchase on Amazon and in the Cosmonaut webstore. Read Article.


Anti-Postone: Introduction

Maciej Zurowski, February 3, 2022

In this, the introduction to Cosmonaut Press’s Anti-Postone by Michael Sommer, Mike Macnair critiques the historical accuracy of Postone's work and situates it in its historical context as part of the Frankfurt School-inspired New Left. Anti-Postone, which includes this introduction, a preface from translator Maciej Zurowski and Sommer’s essay, has now been printed and is available for purchase on Amazon and in the Cosmonaut webstore. Read Article.