Building Camaraderie in the CPUSA, 1930-1950
Josh Morris, March 4, 2019
Josh Morris investigates how the Communist Party USA created a sense of camaraderie in its organizing efforts between members, looking at how both circumstances forced on organizers as well as conscious efforts of the party helped create an organizational culture that promoted (or in some cases damaged) solidarity among workers and oppressed people. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.
Dissolving the People and Electing Another: On Base-Building and Revolutionary Culture
Marisa Miale, January 27, 2022
Drawing from the experience of the Democratic Socialists of America and Marxist Center, Marisa Miale examines the everyday, interpersonal level of party-building and argues for a revolutionary strategy that can weave together cultural intervention, base-building and political unity. Reading: LC. Read Article.