Communists and the National Question in the 21st Century
Stani Bjegunac, September 15, 2018
Stani Bjegunac takes a look at different approaches to the national question by historical communists and how we may approach issues of national oppression in a 21st-century context. Read Article.
The Future is the Past: The Failure of Accelerationism
Rosa Janis, September 15, 2018
Rosa Janis takes on all the different tendencies of the intellectual fad of 'Accelerationism' and reveals the poverty of their visions of a better future and contradictory beliefs. An emancipatory movement must develop a vision of a better future without internalizing the logic of capitalism. Read Article.
Why We Still Need Pitchforks: A Critique of the Politics of Nora Belrose
Ben Grove, November 12, 2018
Revolution is outdated and no longer a realistic means to achieve socialism according to Nora Belrose, a DSA member who writes a popular blog. Is revolutionary politics now only an idealistic fantasy? Ben Grove argues otherwise. Read Article.
More Acid Than Communism
P.H. Higgins, August 1, 2019
Contrary to certain advocates of "Acid Communism", P.H. Higgins argues that a turn towards counter-culture, consciousness-raising, and psychedelic drugs are not a means to building a better left. Read Article.
Neither Intersectionality nor Economism: For a Genuine Class Politics
Donald Parkinson, August 7, 2019
Neither a politics of identity informed by theories of intersectionality nor reductive economistic readings of Marxism are adequate for a modern socialist project, argues Donald Parkinson. Reading: Robert Fish. Read Article.
For the Unity of Marxists with the Dispossessed: The Bolsheviks and the State, 1912-1917
Medway Baker, October 9, 2019
A reply by Medway Baker to Sophia Burns' article "For the Unity of Marxists, or the Unity of the Dispossessed?" Read Article.
The Need for Organizations that Organize
Ben Reynolds, February 21, 2020
Ben Reynolds responds to Chris Koch's "The Need for Agitational Organizations." Read Article.
The Dialectic of Assimilation
Lane Silberstein, July 11, 2020
How have Jews in the US have gone from an unwelcome immigrant group prone to left-wing radicalism to Zionists and beneficiaries of whiteness? Lane Silberstein investigates. Reading: Harley Oliviera. Read Article.
Beyond Work? The Shortcomings of Post-Work Politics
Mikael Lyngaas, July 18, 2020
Mikael Lyngaas argues that post-work theorists ranging from Bob Black to Srnicek and Williams are utopian socialism for the current era. Reading: Sam Wiles. Read Article.
US Constitution: Hiding in Plain Sight
Daniel Lazare, September 29, 2020
Daniel Lazare writes on the US Constitution, its inherent contradictions, and why socialists should oppose it. Read Article.