Kautsky, Lenin, and the Transition to Socialism: A Reply to Eric Blanc
Mike Taber, April 10, 2019
Mike Taber weighs in on the Kautsky debate happening at Jacobin Magazine, responding to Eric Blanc's text Why Kautsky Was Right (and why you should care). Taber sets the record straight on Kautsky's strengths and weaknesses and Blanc's uncharitable reading of Leninism. Read Article.
The Democratic Road to Socialism: Reply to Mike Taber
Eric Blanc, April 11, 2019
Eric Blanc replies to Mike Taber's article Lenin, Kautsky and the Transition to Socialism and argues that the work of Karl Kautsky provides a strategy for a democratic road to socialism. Read Donald Parkinson's response here. Read Article.
Lenin and the “Class Point of View”: Looking at Chris Maisano’s “The Constitution and the Class Struggle”
Gil Schaeffer, December 2, 2020
Gil Schaeffer responds to Chris Maisano's "The Constitution and the Class Struggle" to clarify the meaning of the "class point of view" in Lenin and what it can tell us about the struggle for democracy. Read Article.