

The Party, the Just City, and the Sacred Fire

Cold and Dark Stars, July 24, 2019

Latest from Cold and Dark Stars. To pursue an emancipatory politics that can address planetary climate change, one must answer the question of "what is the good life?" Yet for this question to be intelligible, a Polis that understands its relation to the cosmos, prefigured by the Party, is necessary. Read Article.


Outlines for a Marxist Virtue Ethics, or Why Capitalism is Unjust

May 9, 2022

Drawing on the work of moral and political philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre, ΔΜ sketches an outline for a possible marxist theory of ethics. Read Article.


Striking Without Threatening: On Marxism, Ethics, and the Truth of Communism

Roxy Hall, July 27, 2022

Roxy Hall responds to ΔΜ's argument for a Marxist virtue ethics, arguing that Communism is itself a wholly new ethical system. Read Article.


Marxism’s Metanormative Critique of Capitalism

Jared Houston, April 6, 2023

Jared Houston revisits debates regarding the normative standing of Marx's critique of capitalism, advancing the thesis that Marx's offers a metanormative critique of capital accumulation. Capital offends not against this-or-that particular, positive, and precise account of Marxian morality, but against any and all normative systems that stand in the way of boundless accumulation. Read Article.