Alienation and Social Reproduction among the Subaltern
Christian Noakes, December 22, 2018
Christian Noakes argues that the theoretical work of Antonio Gramsci, put in historical context, can help us understand the issues of sectarianism among oppressed groups that pit the oppressed against one another and the need to move beyond such sectarianism for a project of universal human emancipation. Read Article.
Against Socialist Reactionaries: a response to Jacob Richter
Rosa Janis, May 4, 2020
Rosa Janis responds to Jacob Richter's April 9th, 2020 letter to Cosmonaut on social conservatism and the left. Read Article.
What Remains
Taylor Thornburg, March 31, 2021
Taylor Thornburg offers a communist analysis of the internet and explores its different ideological uses. Read Article.
Smashing the White Picket Fence: Why the Left Rejects Homeownership
Harry Zehner, May 2, 2022
Harry Zehner urges the left to challenge the ideology of homeownership. Read Article.
Halloween: Then and Now, and… Forever?
Stephen Tumino, October 19, 2022
Stephen Tumino reacts to the new and supposedly final installment of long-running horror-slasher film franchise 'Halloween' with an analysis of the franchise's trajectory, arguing that the thrust of ideological demystification found in John Carpenter's original has been replaced by a thematic which obscures the reality of contemporary capitalism. Read Article.