"Left" Anti-Immigration: A Chauvinist Disorder
J.R. Murray, January 9, 2019
Border control offers nothing to the working class and must be actively opposed in favor of a roadmap to a borderless society, writes J.R. Murray. Reading: Lydia Apolinar. Read Article.
A Road Towards Workers’ Solidarity in the Indian Subcontinent
Nafis Hasan, January 18, 2019
Nafis Hasan writes on the current strikes in India and Bangladesh and the history and possibilities for worker solidarity between Indian and Bangladesh workers and beyond. Read Article.
Which Side Are You On?: The Challenge of the 1974 Ethiopian Revolution
Ian Scott Horst, November 7, 2019
The Ethiopian Revolution teaches modern leftists an important lesson about international solidarity, argues Ian Scott Horst. Read Article.
The African Blood Brotherhood and the Origins of Black Communism in the United States
Ian Szabo, February 9, 2020
Ian Szabo writes on the history of the African Blood Brotherhood as part of a broader tradition of black liberation that merged with International Communism after the Bolshevik Revolution. Read Article.
Terrestrial Shamanism against the Exterminist Leviathan
Renato Flores, March 19, 2020
Renato Flores argues that a grand narrative is needed to unify and mobilize the exploited and oppressed against an exterminist world order. Read Article.
The Fight for a Marxist Program in the DSA
Donald Parkinson, October 27, 2021
Donald Parkinson assesses the 2021 DSA Convention and imagines a path forward beyond its current political and strategic deadlock. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.
The US Proxy War in Ukraine and Socialist Anti-War Strategy
Matthew Strupp, November 1, 2022
Matthew Strupp argues that revolutionary defeatism, not capitulation to imperialist war aims, must guide the response of the US Left to the Ukraine War. Read Article.