

How the Rail Carriers, Wall Street, and the US Government Crushed Class I Freight Rail Workers

Shuvu Bhattarai, December 12, 2022

Shuvu Bhattarai reports on the status of the U.S. railworkers struggle in the aftermath of Congress' forced tentative agreement. Read Article.


A Bookish Strike

Jennifer Albert Mann, December 15, 2022

Jennifer Albert Mann reports on the recent UAW Local 2110 strike at HarperCollins Publishers and argues that, considering the union's past militancy, HarperCollins workers should begin to take a more active political stance against the company's reactionary ownership. Read Article.


Letter: A Gap in Marxist Unity Group’s Labor Position

March 15, 2023

Read Article.


Science and Democratic Management

Amelia Davenport, June 13, 2023

Amelia Davenport provides a brief overview of left-wing approaches to scientific management and argues that this field of inquiry should be embraced by socialist labor militants today. Read Article.


Toward a People’s History of the University of Maryland: AFSCME Local 1072

Emily Fox, June 26, 2024

Emily Fox recounts the history of AFSCME Local 1072, a militant union of campus staff at the University of Maryland organized during a period often considered to be a low ebb of trade unionism in the United States. Read Article.


On Communist Work in the Working Class Movement

Chantelle, July 12, 2024

In a debate on labor strategy, Kat and Chantelle argue for the merger of political, economic, and theoretical struggles; for boring from within the reactionary unions; for open communist leadership within a reformist context; and for tactical flexibility. Kat and Chantelle are members of Maoist Communist Union (MCU) and Teamsters Mobilize. They can be reached at Read Article.


Resistance to a Backlash: Maryland Public Employees On Strike, 1968-1974

Emily Fox, November 1, 2024

Emily Fox argues that a series of illegal strikes by Maryland state public employees between 1968 and 1974 provide key historical insight into the rise and fall of militant public sector unionism in the United States. Read Article.


Stop the Presses, Start Fighting!: The 1967 Newspaper Strike in Utica, New York

J.N. Cheney, November 15, 2024

J.N. Cheney recounts the 1967 Utica, NY newspaper workers' strike, arguing that the trajectory of the struggle and the demands raised by the strikers exemplify Marx's notion of proletarian development. Read Article.