

Organizing the Class: Interview with Two Members of Target Workers Unite

Amelia Davenport, August 15, 2019

Interviews by Amelia Davenport.  Check out Target Workers Unite here. Read Article.


DSA National Convention: Fog & Storm

Miah Simone, September 14, 2019

Gabriel Pierre & Miah Simone report on the 2019 DSA convention. Response from members of the editorial board of Cosmonaut here. Read Article.


For the Unity of Marxists: A Response to Fog & Storm

Rosa Janis, September 14, 2019

Rosa Janis and Parker McQueeney respond to "DSA Convention: Fog & Storm," arguing that the approach the authors argue for de-emphasizes issues of political struggle. Read Article.


For the Unity of Marxists, or the Unity of the Dispossessed?

Sophia Burns, September 21, 2019

Sophia Burns responds to DSA Convention: Fog and Storm and For the Unity of Marxists: Response to Fog and Storm. You can support her work here. Read Article.


Criticism and Self-Criticism: Red Guards or Iron Guards?

Konstantin Sverdlov, October 17, 2019

As socialists, we need to have each other's backs. We all have our differences and they are often of a serious nature. Yet in the end, we should aim to be on the same side of the barricades. The task of building a better world leaves no time for the narcissism of small differences endlessly dividing our own camp. But who exactly is in our own camp? What happens when a group crosses the line and ends up on the other side of the barricades? An example of a group that has done this is the combination of front groups and collectives associated with the organization Red Guards Austin, or Committee for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party USA. Konstantin Sverdlov argues that groups like the Red Guards have fully crossed the line to the point where they deserve to be treated as if they are class enemies just like fascists. By violently attacking other leftist organizations the Red Guards have joined the camp of the class enemy. We must point our guns at the enemy, not at those who fight at our side, even if they use methods we find ineffective or ideologies we find misguided. Yesterday was the anniversary of John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry. John Brown knew to take aim at the slaveocracy, not the moderate Republicans with reformist views. In this sense, we must be like John Brown. Read Article.


Organizing for Power: Stealing Fire From the Gods

Amelia Davenport, November 19, 2019

Amelia Davenport argues for leftist organizers to reclaim the ideas of Taylor's Scientific Management, making a broader argument for the relevance of cybernetics, cultural revolution in the workers' movement, and a Promethean vision of socialism. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Listen to an interview with the author here. Read Article.


The Need for Organizations that Organize

Ben Reynolds, February 21, 2020

Ben Reynolds responds to Chris Koch's "The Need for Agitational Organizations." Read Article.


Join the Struggle at Amazon!

April 3, 2020

Committed revolutionaries: get a job at Amazon and help us build working-class power! Read Article.


Progress of the Storm: Collaboration with Revolutionary Left Radio

Donald Parkinson, April 25, 2020

Read Article.


Some Words of Advice for our Comrades in the Streets

Ahmed Nada, May 31, 2020

Throughout the United States, revolt against police violence and the state has broken out in response to the callous murder of George Floyd at the hands of the police. To help contribute to this outbreak of militancy, we have published these words of advice on successful protest from Ahmed Nada, a veteran of the Egyptian protest movements in 2011, 2012, and 2013. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.