Between Friend and Foe: The Democratic Party Primary and the Future of the Empire
Rosa Janis, February 26, 2020
Rosa Janis analyzes the Democratic Party Primary election as the symptoms of a dying empire that couldn't die quite soon enough. Read Article.
The End of the End of History: COVID-19 and 21st Century Fascism
Medway Baker, March 26, 2020
Debs Bruno and Medway Baker lay out the conditions of the current crisis, the political potentials it opens up, and the need for a socialist program to pave a path forward. Read Article.
The Practical Policy of Revolutionary Defeatism
Matthew Strupp, April 6, 2020
Matthew Strupp lays out the politics of revolutionary defeatism in contrast to the approaches of third-campism and third-worldism. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.
The Past and Future of Socialist Labor with Adolph Reed and Ed Bruno
Debs Bruno, May 28, 2020
Of Course Labor Law Advances the Class Struggle
Anton Johannsen, July 29, 2020
Anton Johannsen argues that labor law is a terrain of class struggle that can only be ignored at our own peril. Read Article.
From Trade-Union Consciousness to Socialist Consciousness with Chris Townsend
Chris Townsend, August 30, 2020
US Constitution: Hiding in Plain Sight
Daniel Lazare, September 29, 2020
Daniel Lazare writes on the US Constitution, its inherent contradictions, and why socialists should oppose it. Read Article.
Beginnings of Politics: DSA and the Uprising
Taylor B, November 12, 2020
Writing in August, Taylor B argues that we must look to new emancipatory forces arising in the current conjuncture instead of seeking to impose older forms of organization. We aim for this piece to be a jumping-off point for a broader debate about strategy and the party-form in our current historical moment. Read Article.
Without a Party, We Have Nothing
Donald Parkinson, November 14, 2020
Donald Parkinson responds to Taylor B's "Beginning's of Politics: DSA and the Uprising," arguing that a workers' party is necessary to advance an emancipatory politics. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.