Why Have a Political Program?
September 3, 2018
Parker McQueeney lays out the case for building a party around a minimum-maximum program. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.
What do the Democratic Socialists of America stand for politically?
DT Seel, November 6, 2018
The typical medium through which political organizations have presented their vision of social change is the political program or platform. Despite lacking an official platform, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) has endorsed candidates that do have official platforms. DT Seel, using a method of induction based on the content of these platforms, proposes what the DSA's program would be if based on the politics of its endorsed candidates. This 'inductive program' is then examined and put under critique. Read Article.
The Revolutionary Minimum-Maximum Program
Donald Parkinson, May 5, 2021
Donald Parkinson explains and defends the format of the minimum-maximum program using the model established in Marx and Guesde's Programme of the Parti Ouvrier. Reading: Lydia Apolinar. Read Article.
On the Road to Power: A Conversation on Revolutionary Strategy in the USA
Alexander Gallus, August 22, 2021
Katja and Jakob, based in Germany, have a discussion with our editor Alexander Gallus on a number of different issues, ranging from DSA and the Marxist Unity Slate to timely theoretical questions of the socialist movement. This conversation took place a month before the DSA convention of August 2021. Read Article.
State, Democracy, and Transition: Is There a "Democratic Road" to Socialism?
Maxi Nieto, July 11, 2022
Maxi Nieto critiques the perspectives of the "new democratic socialism" and argues they are based on a misunderstanding of capitalism as a structural totality. Read Article.
American Socialism from 1892 to 1908: A Study in Two Programs
SA Reed, January 27, 2023
Transcription and commentary by SA Reed. Audioarticle read by Cliff Connolly. Read Article.
Socialism With American Characteristics
Luke Pickrell, March 1, 2023
Luke Pickrell and Myra Janis critique the 2019 updated party program of the Communist Party, USA, arguing that the CPUSA's continued commitment to the Popular Front produces an unwieldy document incapable of charting a strategic path forward for socialists. Read Article.
“A Practical Roadmap for the Workers' Movement in Taking Political Power”
Steve Bloom, September 30, 2023
Steve Bloom takes on Donald Parkinson's arguments around the minimum-maximum program, warning against schematicism and calling for clarity around class content. Read Article.