

Why Have a Political Program?

September 3, 2018

Parker McQueeney lays out the case for building a party around a minimum-maximum program. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.


Where Does Power Come From?

Amelia Davenport, September 3, 2018

What is power and how do we build it? Amelia Davenport argues that power must be built through the organization of mass communist institutions independent of the state. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.


The Conquest of Ballots

Ben Grove, September 3, 2018

Ben Grove lays out a vision of socialist electoral strategy. Read Article.


How to Play with Fire: Electoral Politics in the Heart of Empire

October 2, 2018

Ira Pollock examines the difficulties of left electoral strategy regarding the question of imperialism and affirms the importance of upholding strong anti-imperialist principles in electoral campaigns. Otherwise, the left itself can become an arm of the imperialist state. Read Article.


From Workers' Party to Workers' Republic

Donald Parkinson, October 17, 2018

Donald Parkinson takes a look at the history of the First, Second and Third Internationals, arguing for an approach to party-building and political strategy that is informed by the positives and negatives of these experiences. Reading: Matthew Strupp. Read Article.


Memo on DSA Electoral Campaigns

Peter Moody, October 29, 2018

DSA member Peter Moody looks over DSA's electoral strategy and its current application, specifically in the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez campaign, arguing that the task of making candidates accountable to the organization is far from complete. Read Article.


What do the Democratic Socialists of America stand for politically?

DT Seel, November 6, 2018

The typical medium through which political organizations have presented their vision of social change is the political program or platform. Despite lacking an official platform, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) has endorsed candidates that do have official platforms. DT Seel, using a method of induction based on the content of these platforms, proposes what the DSA's program would be if based on the politics of its endorsed candidates. This 'inductive program' is then examined and put under critique. Read Article.


Why We Still Need Pitchforks: A Critique of the Politics of Nora Belrose

Ben Grove, November 12, 2018

Revolution is outdated and no longer a realistic means to achieve socialism according to Nora Belrose, a DSA member who writes a popular blog. Is revolutionary politics now only an idealistic fantasy? Ben Grove argues otherwise. Read Article.


Building the Mass Party: The Merger Formula in the American Context

Rosa Janis, December 9, 2018

What will it take to build a mass socialist party in the United States? Rosa Janis argues that socialist think-tanks may be a necessary first step, as well as a movement to reform electoral and labor laws through "anti-entryist" candidates. Read Article.


Building Revolution in the USA: Notes on Marxist Center Conference, 2018

Donald Parkinson, January 12, 2019

Parker McQueeney and Donald Parkinson report back and give suggestions for moving forward after having attended the 2018 Marxist Center conference, where multiple local socialist organizations aimed to unify into a national organization. Read Article.