Critique of the Saltsjöbaden Agreement
Tom Anderson, May 26, 2019
Translation by Tom Anderson of a pamphlet by Gösta Kempe from 1939. We publish this as a document of workers struggle against reactionary union laws that promote class cooperation and a demonstration that questions of procedure are also political questions. Read Article.
Where is TDU Going? The Plot Against Teamsters Reform
Edgar Esquivel, December 15, 2021
Edgar Esquivel takes issue with Teamsters for a Democratic Union's endorsement of Sean O'Brien in the latest Teamsters General Executive Board election. Read Article.
Setting the Record Straight: On the Trotskyist-led 1934 Minneapolis Teamsters Strike, the Teamsters Bureaucracy & its Aftermath
Edgar Esquivel, May 15, 2022
Trotskyist Teamsters took a leading role in a historic labor upsurge and clashed with a corrupt leadership under Dan Tobin. Twenty-four-year Teamster Edgar Esquivel tells the story. Read Article.
Solidarity Sometimes: U.S. Organized Labor's Cold War Policy in Central and South America
Hank Kennedy, March 22, 2023
Hank Kennedy presents a historical overview of the reactionary Cold War international policy of the Meany/Kirkland era AFL-CIO, with a focus on its relations with trade unions in Central and South America. Read Article.
The Part-Time Fight for $25 at UPS and the Betrayal of TDU
Edgar Esquivel, July 21, 2023
With UPS and the Teamsters at the negotiating table, Edgar Esquivel takes issue with those in the US Left who have tailed the leadership of Teamster President Sean O'Brien. Read Article.
The UPS Struggle and the Tasks of Marxists in the Labor Movement
Lenni Myers, August 16, 2023
Teamsters Mobilize members and former activists in Revolutionary Marxist Students Audrey Johnson and Lenni Myers assess the current UPS tentative agreement and outline a Marxist strategy for a Vote No campaign. Read Article.
Labor Notes and Labor’s Next Year
Leland Olds, May 24, 2024
Leland Olds responds to the recent Labor Notes conference with an analysis of the current state of U.S. labor organizing and proposes a syncretic strategy for socialist trade unionists that includes both reformism and independent unionism. Read Article.