Historical Narratives of the Red Terror
Donald Parkinson, September 17, 2018
Donald Parkinson dives into the historiography of the Russian Revolution and argues that the Red Terror was not an ideological outgrowth of communist ideals. Rather, the red terror must be understood through a materialist lens that sees its roots in social environment rather than ideology. Read Article.
Kautsky, Lenin, and the Transition to Socialism: A Reply to Eric Blanc
Mike Taber, April 10, 2019
Mike Taber weighs in on the Kautsky debate happening at Jacobin Magazine, responding to Eric Blanc's text Why Kautsky Was Right (and why you should care). Taber sets the record straight on Kautsky's strengths and weaknesses and Blanc's uncharitable reading of Leninism. Read Article.
The Retrograde Left
J.R. Murray, May 4, 2019
J.R. Murray argues that the left must abandon the micro-sect form of organization derived from a false reading of the true meaning of Bolshevism, or else we will continue to exist in an endless cycle of self-marginalization. Read Article.
Considerations on the Basis of the Socio-Political, Economic and Cultural Development of the Turkic Peoples of Asia and Europe by Mirsaid Sultan Galiev
Örsan Şenalp, June 25, 2019
Translation and introduction by Örsan Şenalp and Asim Khairdean. Read Article.
'Evolution of the National Question' and 'The East and Revolution' by Safarov
Medway Baker, August 11, 2019
Translation and Introduction by Medway Baker. Read Article.
'Expelled, but Communist' by Boris Souvarine
Medway Baker, September 5, 2019
Translation and introduction by Medway Baker. Read Article.
For the Unity of Marxists with the Dispossessed: The Bolsheviks and the State, 1912-1917
Medway Baker, October 9, 2019
A reply by Medway Baker to Sophia Burns' article "For the Unity of Marxists, or the Unity of the Dispossessed?" Read Article.
Revolutionary Reels: Soviet Propaganda Film and the Russian Revolution
Shalon Van Tine, November 15, 2019
Shalon Van Tine provides an overview of Soviet Film and its development in relation to the politics of the USSR and Bolshevik Revolution. Read Article.
The African Blood Brotherhood and the Origins of Black Communism in the United States
Ian Szabo, February 9, 2020
Ian Szabo writes on the history of the African Blood Brotherhood as part of a broader tradition of black liberation that merged with International Communism after the Bolshevik Revolution. Read Article.
Lenin’s Boys: A Short History of Soviet Hungary
Doug Enaa Greene, August 21, 2020
Doug Enaa Greene on the Hungarian Soviet Republic and its tragic defeat. Read Article.