

'Is Marxism Obsolete?' by Charles Rappoport

Medway Baker, April 26, 2019

Introduction and translation by Medway Baker. Read Article.


The Winnipeg General Strike: from Revolt to Revolution?

Medway Baker, May 15, 2019

Medway Baker analyzes the Winnipeg General Strike, possibly the height of class struggle in Canada, for its centennial. Read Article.


'Evolution of the National Question' and 'The East and Revolution' by Safarov

Medway Baker, August 11, 2019

Translation and Introduction by Medway Baker. Read Article.


'Expelled, but Communist' by Boris Souvarine

Medway Baker, September 5, 2019

Translation and introduction by Medway Baker. Read Article.


For the Unity of Marxists with the Dispossessed: The Bolsheviks and the State, 1912-1917

Medway Baker, October 9, 2019

A reply by Medway Baker to Sophia Burns'  article "For the Unity of Marxists, or the Unity of the Dispossessed?" Read Article.


Her Majesty's Most Loyal Opposition

Medway Baker, December 31, 2019

Read Article.


Invasion: A Story of Anti-Colonial Resistance

Medway Baker, February 12, 2020

Medway Baker reviews and contextualizes a short documentary on struggles of the Wet’suwet’en against the modern Canadian state. Read Article.


The End of the End of History: COVID-19 and 21st Century Fascism

Medway Baker, March 26, 2020

Debs Bruno and Medway Baker lay out the conditions of the current crisis, the political potentials it opens up, and the need for a socialist program to pave a path forward. Read Article.


Freedom in Death: Liberalism and the Apocalypse

Medway Baker, April 14, 2020

Medway Baker calls for uncompromising faith in the cause of communism in the face of a capitalist civilization that is destroying humanity. Read Article.


The Problem of Unity: A Comparative Analysis

Medway Baker, June 14, 2020

In a comparative study of Austro-Marxism, the French Socialist movement, and Bolshevism, Medway Baker argues for the left to seek unity around a programme of constitutional disloyalty. Read Article.