Democracy and Socialism, the Two Edges of Marxism’s Knife
Gil Schaeffer, June 26, 2021
Gil Schaeffer responds to Ben Grove's "Twelve-Step Program for Democrat Addiction" and its arguments about the need for a mass party, critiquing Mike Macnair, Ben Lewis and Lars Lih's concept of Erfurtian Marxism. Read By: Will Read Article.
Audiobook of Mike Macnair's Revolutionary Strategy
Lydia Apolinar, September 9, 2021
This is a narration of Mike Macnair's groundbreaking book Revolutionary Strategy, by the team at Cosmonaut Magazine. Narration and editing is done by Lydia Apolinar. You can find this, and other audio books, on our Youtube channel, and you can purchase a physical copy of the book itself at Lulu. Read Article.
Anti-Postone: Introduction
Maciej Zurowski, February 3, 2022
In this, the introduction to Cosmonaut Press’s Anti-Postone by Michael Sommer, Mike Macnair critiques the historical accuracy of Postone's work and situates it in its historical context as part of the Frankfurt School-inspired New Left. Anti-Postone, which includes this introduction, a preface from translator Maciej Zurowski and Sommer’s essay, has now been printed and is available for purchase on Amazon and in the Cosmonaut webstore. Read Article.
Atom Bombs, National Security, and Empire: Year Seventy-Eight of the Cold War
Gil Schaeffer, April 1, 2023
Gil Schaeffer looks to the Civil Rights and Anti-Vietnam War movements as examples of how the modern left can best articulate its opposition to the current agenda of US imperialism. Read Article.
Marxist Clarity in Times of Confusion and Despair
Myra Janis, August 25, 2023
Donald Parkinson, the editor-in-chief of Cosmonaut, gives a short historical overview of Cosmonaut and Marxist Unity Group and introduces crucial member-written articles to help clarify our strategic vision. This was written as the preface for Fight the Constitution: Selected Writings from Marxist Unity Group, available now. Read Article.
On Capitalism and Class Rule: Moving Beyond the “PMC Debate"
Foppe de Haan, February 9, 2024
Using recent debates over the role of the professional managerial class as a foil, Foppe de Haan argues that in order for the communist movement to transcend the failures of the past, it must go beyond the struggle against capitalism and call for an end to any and all forms of class rule. Read Article.