The Revolutionary Minimum-Maximum Program
Donald Parkinson, May 5, 2021
Donald Parkinson explains and defends the format of the minimum-maximum program using the model established in Marx and Guesde's Programme of the Parti Ouvrier. Reading: Lydia Apolinar. Read Article.
State, Democracy, and Transition: Is There a "Democratic Road" to Socialism?
Maxi Nieto, July 11, 2022
Maxi Nieto critiques the perspectives of the "new democratic socialism" and argues they are based on a misunderstanding of capitalism as a structural totality. Read Article.
Naming the System: “Means as Ends” Socialism and the Importance of Alternative Political Culture and Program
Jack L, January 17, 2023
Isaac KD and Jack L defend their critique of DSA’s dominant strategic orientation towards reform campaigns in a response to Sam Lewis' "In Defense of Campaigns". Read Article.
Lenin, History, Future: Response to a Critique
Paul LeBlanc, September 27, 2023
Paul LeBlanc responds to Cliff Connolly's review of his book ‘Lenin: Responding to Catastrophe, Forging Revolution’, available from Pluto Press. Read Article.
“A Practical Roadmap for the Workers' Movement in Taking Political Power”
Steve Bloom, September 30, 2023
Steve Bloom takes on Donald Parkinson's arguments around the minimum-maximum program, warning against schematicism and calling for clarity around class content. Read Article.
More or Less Erfurt? The CPGB’s 1939 Draft Programme
Lawrence Parker, October 20, 2023
Lawrence Parker details the history of and reception to the document which, he argues, drew upon "disgraced" figures such as Kautsky and Bukharin and captured the CPGB’s Janus-faced nature at the outset of the Second World War. Read Article.