

Holocaust Capitalism

Richard Hunsinger, August 21, 2019

Richard Hunsinger argues that migrant concentration camps represent a descent into fascist barbarism and are related to the inherent tendencies of capitalism. Reading: Remi Debs. Read Article.


An Accumulation of Affect

Richard Hunsinger, December 7, 2019

Discourse related to the concept of emotional labor can highlight the way capitalism distorts our humanity or merely naturalize capitalism, argues Richard Hunsinger. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.


Mask Off: Crisis & Struggle in the Pandemic

Richard Hunsinger, June 8, 2020

Richard Hunsinger & Nathan Eisenberg give an in-depth analysis of the current crisis where economic breakdown, pandemic, and mass revolt collide into a historic conjuncture that will forever shape the trajectory of world events. Read Article.


The Constitution of Necessity

Richard Hunsinger, October 3, 2021

Richard Hunsinger examines the origins of the capitalist mode of production through a comparative analysis of the work of Jairus Banaji and Robert Brenner. Read Article.