The USSR's Founding Mother
Cliff Connolly, October 8, 2018
M.A. Iasilli on what Bolshevik militant Nadezhda Krupskaya can teach us about education and labor. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.
Brick by Brick: An Appeal to Strength
CLR Gainz, January 23, 2019
CLR Gainz argues that the left needs physical as well as mental strength if we are going to be victorious in making revolution and defeating reaction. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.
Cosmic Imagination in Revolutionary Russia
Donald Parkinson, May 20, 2019
Before the rise of the Soviet Space Program, utopian visions of space travel existed alongside serious scientific work to make it a reality. Donald Parkinson explores the culture of space exploration that existed both before and after the Bolshevik Revolution and how it laid the groundwork for Sputnik. Read Article.
Carrying the Burden of Communist Man
Donald Parkinson, November 1, 2019
Donald Parkinson weighs in how communists should relate to our difficult history. We can neither be in denial of our failures or refuse to own up to them. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.
Which Side Are You On?: The Challenge of the 1974 Ethiopian Revolution
Ian Scott Horst, November 7, 2019
The Ethiopian Revolution teaches modern leftists an important lesson about international solidarity, argues Ian Scott Horst. Read Article.
"Taylor's System and Organization" by Nadezhda Krupskaya
Renato Flores, February 5, 2020
Translation by Mark Alexandrovich, introduction by Renato Flores. Read Article.
Political Undercurrents in Soviet Economic Debates: A Discussion
Donald Parkinson, February 29, 2020
Against Socialist Reactionaries: a response to Jacob Richter
Rosa Janis, May 4, 2020
Rosa Janis responds to Jacob Richter's April 9th, 2020 letter to Cosmonaut on social conservatism and the left. Read Article.
Komsomol Life: Interrogating the Soviet Young Communist League with Sean Guillory
Donald Parkinson, June 17, 2020
Knowledge Democratization, Bourgeois Specialists and the Organization of Science in the Early Soviet Union
Renato Flores, October 25, 2020