Building Camaraderie in the CPUSA, 1930-1950
Josh Morris, March 4, 2019
Josh Morris investigates how the Communist Party USA created a sense of camaraderie in its organizing efforts between members, looking at how both circumstances forced on organizers as well as conscious efforts of the party helped create an organizational culture that promoted (or in some cases damaged) solidarity among workers and oppressed people. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.
US Constitution: Hiding in Plain Sight
Daniel Lazare, September 29, 2020
Daniel Lazare writes on the US Constitution, its inherent contradictions, and why socialists should oppose it. Read Article.
Socialism With American Characteristics
Luke Pickrell, March 1, 2023
Luke Pickrell and Myra Janis critique the 2019 updated party program of the Communist Party, USA, arguing that the CPUSA's continued commitment to the Popular Front produces an unwieldy document incapable of charting a strategic path forward for socialists. Read Article.
Race and Socialism: 'People of Color' and a 'New' Political Re-Alignment
Sudip Bhattacharya, March 8, 2023
Sudip Bhattacharya analyzes the multiracial voting bloc that has coalesced behind the Democratic Party under the umbrella term 'People of Color,' arguing that this coalition, rather than organically producing a socialist politics, must be actively courted by socialists from these communities. Read Article.
Solidarity Sometimes: U.S. Organized Labor's Cold War Policy in Central and South America
Hank Kennedy, March 22, 2023
Hank Kennedy presents a historical overview of the reactionary Cold War international policy of the Meany/Kirkland era AFL-CIO, with a focus on its relations with trade unions in Central and South America. Read Article.
Class Struggle: The Role of Democratic Socialism in Higher Education
Elia Newsom, November 8, 2023
Elia Newsom discusses the contemporary political economy of U.S. academia and proposes a strategy for socialist educators in higher education. Read Article.
The Carnage in Gaza is the Last, Desperate Act
Yoav Haifawi, March 8, 2024
Yoav Haifawi argues that the ongoing brutality in Gaza is the final effort in a failed Israeli-U.S. attempt to preserve hegemony over the Middle East. Read Article.