The Scam of Representation: Dispatch from Venezuela
January 31, 2019
By publishing this statement from an anonymous Venezuelan citizen, we aim to provide a counter to the narrative that the US-backed Guiado coup is a legitimate expression of the discontent of the popular masses with the mismanagement of the economy by Maduro. While critical of the Maduro government, with their concessions to the national and international bourgeoisie and halting of the revolutionary process, the author argues that the popular masses must stand with Maduro against imperialist intervention. Read Article.
New Perspectives On Popular Struggle in Venezuela Against Intervention
March 6, 2019
Our comrade from Venezuela provides us with another dispatch, giving a strategic view on the situation arguing that a defensive war against imperialism must be transformed into a People's War that changes the nature of society itself in a radical way, furthering the most radical aspects of the Bolivarian Revolution. Read Article.
The Military Question in the Framework of the Construction of the Communal State
Debs Bruno, September 18, 2019
Translation by Rudy Flores and Debs Bruno of a document from the Venezuelan Left on the question of the Communal State and Military organization. Read Article.
Venezuelan Communes and Dual Power
Nikolaos Dalton, January 9, 2022
Nikolaos Dalton, responding to a recent Cosmopod episode, takes issue with the claim that Communes in Venezuela represent a form of dual power as understood by Lenin and other revolutionaries. Read Article.