Carrying the Burden of Communist Man
Donald Parkinson, November 1, 2019
Donald Parkinson weighs in how communists should relate to our difficult history. We can neither be in denial of our failures or refuse to own up to them. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.
Political Undercurrents in Soviet Economic Debates: A Discussion
Donald Parkinson, February 29, 2020
Was Mao a Bukharinist?: The “Three-Line Struggle” in Economic Debates Preceding the Great Leap Forward
Matthew Strupp, September 3, 2020
Matthew Strupp examines economic debates in China during the leadup to the Great Leap Forward and assesses comparisons made between Mao and Bukharin. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.
The Introduction of Cybernetics in the GDR by Jérôme Segal
Alexander Gallus, July 31, 2021
Translation and introduction by Alexander Gallus. Read Article.
Lifting the Double Burden: The Women’s Movement under State Socialism
Lydia Apolinar, August 18, 2021