An Accumulation of Affect
Richard Hunsinger, December 7, 2019
Discourse related to the concept of emotional labor can highlight the way capitalism distorts our humanity or merely naturalize capitalism, argues Richard Hunsinger. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.
The Platform is the Message
Renato Flores, March 6, 2021
Amelia Davenport and Renato Flores argue that social media cannot be ignored despite its negative effects on modern culture. Instead, the left needs its own approach to social media that takes into account the values encoded into tech platforms. Read Article.
Addiction Is Not a Crime
Billy Anania, July 2, 2021
Beyond failing at preventing the ills of addiction, the War of Drugs has served as a war on those dispossessed by capitalism. Billy Anania argues that a socialist approach is needed. Read Article.