

Capitalism: What it is and How to Abolish It

M.K. Owen, November 8, 2018

M.K. Owen provides an analysis of capitalism as a historically specific mode of production and provides a vision towards what an alternative to this system would look like, calling for democratic planning of the economy that carries on the work of Project Cybersyn. Read Article.


Holocaust Capitalism

Richard Hunsinger, August 21, 2019

Richard Hunsinger argues that migrant concentration camps represent a descent into fascist barbarism and are related to the inherent tendencies of capitalism. Reading: Remi Debs. Read Article.


“How Wearisome Eternity”: A review of 'Capital is Dead' by McKenzie Wark

Colin Drumm, October 29, 2019

Colin Drumm reviews McKenzie Wark's latest book, 'Capital Is Dead: Is This Something Worse' (Verso Books, October 2019). Read Article.


An Accumulation of Affect

Richard Hunsinger, December 7, 2019

Discourse related to the concept of emotional labor can highlight the way capitalism distorts our humanity or merely naturalize capitalism, argues Richard Hunsinger. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.


Worse than Dead: A Critical Response to McKenzie Wark

James W, October 12, 2020

James W reviews McKenzie Wark's Capital is Dead. Read Article.


Pull the Plugs? Labor, Power, and the Rise of Fossil Capitalism

November 21, 2020

Read Article.


The Importance of Henryk Grossman

Ted Reese, July 15, 2021

Ted Reese, author of the upcoming The End of Capitalism: The Thought of Henryk Grossman (Zero Books), argues for the continued relevance of Henryk Grossman's theory of capitalist breakdown. Read Article.


Letter: Caution about Crisis Theory

July 19, 2021

Read Article.


The Genesis of the Transformation Problem

Ian Wright, August 13, 2021

The infamous Transformation Problem has long stood as a supposed example of the failure of Marx's economic theories. Ian Wright gives an explanation of the problem to help pave the way for a possible solution. Reading: Gabriel Palcic. Read Article.


COVID, Capitalism, and Genocide

Alyson Escalante, September 4, 2021

Is the current legal definition of genocide useful for Marxists? Alyson Escalante unpacks the history behind the concept as it is currently understood and argues that a Marxist understanding of genocide must move beyond legalistic bourgeois definitions that rely on intent and look at the realities of systemic dispossession and extermination. Read Article.