

Leon Trotsky and Cultural Revolution

Doug Enaa Greene, May 12, 2019

Doug Enaa Greene argues that in Trotsky's work a theory of cultural revolution can be found, one which differs from Mao Zedong's that was developed in the context of the Russian Revolution and its struggle against bureaucracy. Read Article.


A Fight on Two Fronts: On Jean-Luc Godard’s La Chinoise

Doug Enaa Greene, August 28, 2019

Doug Enaa Greene and Shalon van Tine discuss Jean-Luc Godard's 1967 film La Chinoise in its historical context. Read Article.


Revolutionary Reels: Soviet Propaganda Film and the Russian Revolution

Shalon Van Tine, November 15, 2019

Shalon Van Tine provides an overview of Soviet Film and its development in relation to the politics of the USSR and Bolshevik Revolution. Read Article.


An Accumulation of Affect

Richard Hunsinger, December 7, 2019

Discourse related to the concept of emotional labor can highlight the way capitalism distorts our humanity or merely naturalize capitalism, argues Richard Hunsinger. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.


Crossing the Line: Habitus and Misrecognition in Bong Joon-Ho's Parasite

K.T. Jamieson, March 7, 2020

K.T. Jamieson analyzes the dynamics of class in Bong Joon-Ho's Parasite through the lens of Pierre Bourdieu's social theory. Contains spoilers. Read Article.


The Invisible Landscape: Tracing the Spiritualist Utopianism of Nineteenth-Century America

Edmund Berger, April 11, 2020

Edmund Berger explores the hidden history of Utopian Socialism and its close relationship with cultures of esoteric spirituality in the nineteenth-century United States. Read Article.


Workers and Writers: The Communist Novel in Britain

Lawrence Parker, August 14, 2020

The history of the British communist novel is ultimately the story of the political degeneration of the Communist Party of Great Britain. By Lawrence Parker. Reading: LC. Read Article.


Different Horizons of Science Fiction under Socialism with Virginia Conn

Virginia L. Conn, September 6, 2020

Read Article.


Lenin and Art by Lunacharsky

Cliff Connolly, January 21, 2021

In honor of Lenin on the anniversary of his death, we publish this short essay by Lunacharsky on Lenin's views regarding art. This text was originally published in “Khudozhnik i Zritel” (Artist and Audience), issues 2-3, March-April 1924, and has been translated by Reuben Woolley. Introduction by Cliff Connolly. The original source of the translation can be found here. Read Article.


The Platform is the Message

Renato Flores, March 6, 2021

Amelia Davenport and Renato Flores argue that social media cannot be ignored despite its negative effects on modern culture. Instead, the left needs its own approach to social media that takes into account the values encoded into tech platforms. Read Article.