

How to Play with Fire: Electoral Politics in the Heart of Empire

October 2, 2018

Ira Pollock examines the difficulties of left electoral strategy regarding the question of imperialism and affirms the importance of upholding strong anti-imperialist principles in electoral campaigns. Otherwise, the left itself can become an arm of the imperialist state. Read Article.


Memo on DSA Electoral Campaigns

Peter Moody, October 29, 2018

DSA member Peter Moody looks over DSA's electoral strategy and its current application, specifically in the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez campaign, arguing that the task of making candidates accountable to the organization is far from complete. Read Article.


Why We Still Need Pitchforks: A Critique of the Politics of Nora Belrose

Ben Grove, November 12, 2018

Revolution is outdated and no longer a realistic means to achieve socialism according to Nora Belrose, a DSA member who writes a popular blog. Is revolutionary politics now only an idealistic fantasy? Ben Grove argues otherwise. Read Article.


Building the Mass Party: The Merger Formula in the American Context

Rosa Janis, December 9, 2018

What will it take to build a mass socialist party in the United States? Rosa Janis argues that socialist think-tanks may be a necessary first step, as well as a movement to reform electoral and labor laws through "anti-entryist" candidates. Read Article.


Post-Insurrectionary Strategy

Jacob Richter, June 6, 2019

Jacob Richter weighs in on the Kautsky debate centering around revolutionary strategy, arguing for a balance of power approach. Read Article.


Whose Democracy?: An Introduction to Oligarchy in the United States

J.R. Murray, June 20, 2019

The United States is a mockery of what democracy is supposed to be. J.R. Murray unpacks the reality of a corrupt system that is designed to empower the rich against the working class majority. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.


Debating Electoral Strategy in the Comintern, 1920: The Bulgarian Situation

Donald Parkinson, June 30, 2019

Reviewing the debates over electoral strategy at the Second Congress of the Comintern, Donald Parkinson reviews the strategies of the Bulgarian Communist Party and their arguments against electoral abstentionism. Read Article.


Taking Stock: Rifles and Reforms

Hank Beecher, December 17, 2019

In part one of a three-part article, Hank Beecher aims to complicate the narratives set out by the electoral left that deny the possibility of revolution. Read Article.


Taking Stock: Electoralism vs The Capitalist Arsenal

Hank Beecher, January 26, 2020

In Part Two of his analysis of strategy for the modern-day left Hank Beecher takes a look at three recent case studies and tries to draw conclusions on how the left can move forward. Read Article.


Revolutionary Parliamentarism with August Nimtz

October 31, 2020

Read Article.