The Fight for a Marxist Program in the DSA
Donald Parkinson, October 27, 2021
Donald Parkinson assesses the 2021 DSA Convention and imagines a path forward beyond its current political and strategic deadlock. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.
In Defense of Bolshevism: Hal Draper and the Spectre of the Socialist Petty Bourgeoisie
Henry De Groot, July 28, 2023
Henry De Groot argues that the ideas of Hal Draper, influential throughout the US left, are an obstacle to socialist labor strategy. Read Article.
On Communist Work in the Working Class Movement
Chantelle, July 12, 2024
In a debate on labor strategy, Kat and Chantelle argue for the merger of political, economic, and theoretical struggles; for boring from within the reactionary unions; for open communist leadership within a reformist context; and for tactical flexibility. Kat and Chantelle are members of Maoist Communist Union (MCU) and Teamsters Mobilize. They can be reached at Read Article.