Shame and Misery: A Materialist History of Gay Politics
Gus Breslauer, December 16, 2018
With its origins in the onset of the free labor system, Gus Breslauer traces the history of gay politics from the development of capitalism, through WWII, Gay Liberation, AIDS, and Queer Theory. In conclusion, Breslauer argues for a return to Marx’s view of labor for a renewal of a viable gay politics, and ultimately locates gay liberation in a broader break with this world for a classless society. Read Article.
The Revolutionary Minimum-Maximum Program
Donald Parkinson, May 5, 2021
Donald Parkinson explains and defends the format of the minimum-maximum program using the model established in Marx and Guesde's Programme of the Parti Ouvrier. Reading: Lydia Apolinar. Read Article.
The Genesis of the Transformation Problem
Ian Wright, August 13, 2021
The infamous Transformation Problem has long stood as a supposed example of the failure of Marx's economic theories. Ian Wright gives an explanation of the problem to help pave the way for a possible solution. Reading: Gabriel Palcic. Read Article.
Why Machines Don't Create Value
Ian Wright, October 16, 2021
Ian Wright defends Marx's theory of surplus-value and its claim that human labor is the ultimate cause of economic profit. Read Article.
Marxism’s Metanormative Critique of Capitalism
Jared Houston, April 6, 2023
Jared Houston revisits debates regarding the normative standing of Marx's critique of capitalism, advancing the thesis that Marx's offers a metanormative critique of capital accumulation. Capital offends not against this-or-that particular, positive, and precise account of Marxian morality, but against any and all normative systems that stand in the way of boundless accumulation. Read Article.
Why Socialism?
Amanda Levi, April 13, 2023
Amanda Levi of the Polish organization Akcja Socjalistyczna and Jan Żelazny put forward their conception of a socialist society. Read Article.
Towards a New Communism
William P. Aguilar, August 10, 2023
Referencing Marx, Hegel, and Zizek, William P. Aguilar elaborates a negatory theory of communism as the de-commodification of everything. Read Article.
The Antinomies of Nietzschean Marxism
Daniel Tutt, March 6, 2024
Daniel Tutt reviews Jonas Čeika's 'How to Philosophize with a Hammer and Sickle: Nietzsche and Marx for the 21st Century Left' (Repeater Books: London, 2021). Read Article.
Marx and Morality's Authority
Paul Wolf, July 26, 2024
Paul Wolf interrogates the discourse on moral philosophy's utility for revolutionary Marxism. Read Article.