The Party, the Just City, and the Sacred Fire
Cold and Dark Stars, July 24, 2019
Latest from Cold and Dark Stars. To pursue an emancipatory politics that can address planetary climate change, one must answer the question of "what is the good life?" Yet for this question to be intelligible, a Polis that understands its relation to the cosmos, prefigured by the Party, is necessary. Read Article.
A Twelve-Step Program for Democrat Addiction
Ben Grove, December 10, 2020
Ben Grove lays out a twelve-step program for the Democratic Socialists of America to pursue a path of independent working-class politics. Reading: Christian Cail. Read Article.
Create a Mass Party!
Cliff Connolly, February 25, 2021
Cliff Connolly critiques CounterPower’s vision of the “party of autonomy” and offers an alternative vision of the mass party. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.
Dissolving the People and Electing Another: On Base-Building and Revolutionary Culture
Marisa Miale, January 27, 2022
Drawing from the experience of the Democratic Socialists of America and Marxist Center, Marisa Miale examines the everyday, interpersonal level of party-building and argues for a revolutionary strategy that can weave together cultural intervention, base-building and political unity. Reading: LC. Read Article.
On Bordiga’s 'Democratic Principle'
Daniel Melo, February 24, 2023
Francesco Sartor responds to last year's debate on Italian Communist Party founder Amadeo Bordiga's understanding of democracy with an analysis of his 1922 article 'The Democratic Principle.' Read Article.
Unite the Pro-Party Wing to Revolutionize the DSA!
Shuvu Bhattarai, March 3, 2023
Shuvu Bhattarai of the Marxist Unity Group outlines an overview of the recent history of DSA and finds a demarcation between pro-party and anti-party tendencies, calling on those sympathetic to the former to join the fight for a mass socialist party in the United States of America. Reading: Aliyah Read Article.