The Grey Tree of Post-Keynesianism and Monetarism: The Classical Account, Inflation, and Unemployment
Djamil Lakhdar-Hamina, June 1, 2019
Djamil Lakhdar-Hamina takes a look at Keynesianism and Modern Monetary Theory and argues they are based on an idealistic notion of science. Read Article.
“How Wearisome Eternity”: A review of 'Capital is Dead' by McKenzie Wark
Colin Drumm, October 29, 2019
Colin Drumm reviews McKenzie Wark's latest book, 'Capital Is Dead: Is This Something Worse' (Verso Books, October 2019). Read Article.
"Anti-Marxism": Professor Mises as Theorist of Fascism by Fedor Kapelush
December 21, 2019
Introduction by N.R. Read Article.
An Accumulation of Affect
Richard Hunsinger, December 7, 2019
Discourse related to the concept of emotional labor can highlight the way capitalism distorts our humanity or merely naturalize capitalism, argues Richard Hunsinger. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.
Mask Off: Crisis & Struggle in the Pandemic
Richard Hunsinger, June 8, 2020
Richard Hunsinger & Nathan Eisenberg give an in-depth analysis of the current crisis where economic breakdown, pandemic, and mass revolt collide into a historic conjuncture that will forever shape the trajectory of world events. Read Article.
Ending the Eternal Present: A Historical Materialist Account of the 1970s
Connor Harney, October 17, 2020
The 1970s were a time of turmoil and transition. Connor Harney gives a Marxist account of this pivotal decade. Read Article.
Post-Scarcity without a Fully-Automated World
Connor Harney, April 7, 2021
Connor Harney reviews Aaron Benavav's Automation and the Future of Work, a welcome intervention in a time where bourgeois utopian delusions about the future of automation and capitalism are commonplace and visions of an emancipatory communist future are far and few between. Read Article.
The Importance of Henryk Grossman
Ted Reese, July 15, 2021
Ted Reese, author of the upcoming The End of Capitalism: The Thought of Henryk Grossman (Zero Books), argues for the continued relevance of Henryk Grossman's theory of capitalist breakdown. Read Article.
The Genesis of the Transformation Problem
Ian Wright, August 13, 2021
The infamous Transformation Problem has long stood as a supposed example of the failure of Marx's economic theories. Ian Wright gives an explanation of the problem to help pave the way for a possible solution. Reading: Gabriel Palcic. Read Article.