The Rise and Fall of Homegrown American Marxism
Daniel Tutt, May 27, 2022
Daniel Tutt explores the intellectual trajectory of U.S. Marxism during the era of the Second International and, drawing from Brian Lloyd's work on the history of U.S. radicalism, argues that the influence of Veblenian and pragmatist philosophy had a detrimental effect on the development of U.S. Marxist theory. Tutt, who has taught philosophy at George Washington University and Marymount University, is the author of Psychoanalysis and the Politics of the Family and an organizer of the Study Groups on Psychoanalysis and Politics. He is currently at work on a new Marxist critique of Nietzsche for Repeater Books. Read Article.
History and Practice: Meditations Upon Marx's 'Theses on Feuerbach' and Pragmatic Materialism
Adeeb Kasem, April 24, 2024
Adeeb Kasem meditates on the implications of Marx's 'Theses on Feuerbach' and argues that historical and dialectical materialism form part of a broader pragmatic materialist framework for Marxist praxis. Read Article.