The End of the End of History: COVID-19 and 21st Century Fascism
Medway Baker, March 26, 2020
Debs Bruno and Medway Baker lay out the conditions of the current crisis, the political potentials it opens up, and the need for a socialist program to pave a path forward. Read Article.
The Past is Here: Seeking Perspective by Comparing the Reagan Era to Our Own
Sudip Bhattacharya, July 22, 2021
Sudip Bhattacharya looks to the Reagan era to understand the rise of the current US right, drawing from interviews with various US historians. Read Article.
The Modern Left and the New Right-Wing Radicalism
Christian Kobluk, May 15, 2024
While right-wing radicalism has grown and taken on new forms, the left today remains stuck in illusions of liberal capitalism as the end of history. The path out, argues Christian Kobluk, lies in a new, anti-capitalist analysis and program. Read Article.