Who Thinks Abstractly? 2.0
Cold and Dark Stars, January 15, 2019
To think in a non-linear way is necessary for scientific socialism. Cold and Dark Stars presents an argument for a systematic, emergentist and complex way of thought that doesn't naturalize the hierarchies of class society. Read Article.
Organizing for Power: Stealing Fire From the Gods
Amelia Davenport, November 19, 2019
Amelia Davenport argues for leftist organizers to reclaim the ideas of Taylor's Scientific Management, making a broader argument for the relevance of cybernetics, cultural revolution in the workers' movement, and a Promethean vision of socialism. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Listen to an interview with the author here. Read Article.
The Question of a Stagnant Marxism: Is Marxism Exegetical or Scientific?
Simoun Magsalin, April 30, 2021
Why is it that there exists a tendency in Marxism—itself a theory of change—that remains unchanging? Simoun Magsalin investigates. Read Article.
For a 21st Century Marxism
Steve Bloom, February 17, 2023
Steve Bloom considers what is living and what is dead in the corpus of Marxism with the intention of forging an adequate revolutionary theory for modern times. Read Article.
Why Socialism?
Amanda Levi, April 13, 2023
Amanda Levi of the Polish organization Akcja Socjalistyczna and Jan Żelazny put forward their conception of a socialist society. Read Article.
Examining Cuba's Knowledge Economy: A Review of Lage's "The Knowledge Economy and Socialism"
Renato Flores, September 4, 2024
In a review of Cuban scientist Agustín Lage Dávila's new book 'The Knowledge Economy and Socialism,' Renato Flores reflects on the role of science and knowledge production under capitalism and socialism, asking how knowledge workers can be incentivized differently under socialism. Read Article.