Henry Hale's Theory of Patronal Politics: A Marxist Perspective
Daniel Weber, September 24, 2020
Daniel Weber argues for the critical appropriation of Henry Hale's theory of patronal politics into a broader Marxist framework. Read Article.
"Going Back or Moving Forward" & "Speech to the 8th CPSU(B) Congress" by N. Osinsky
Renato Flores, December 31, 2020
Translations by Mark Alexandrovich, introduction by Mark Alexandrovich and Renato Flores. Read Article.
The Counterinsurgency State by Ruy Mauro Marini
Renato Flores, September 11, 2021
To commemorate the anniversary of Salvador Allende's death and the fall of Chile's Popular Unity government, we present this analysis of reactionary military governments in Latin America by Ruy Mauro Marini in honor of all who have died fighting for socialism in the hands of Pinochet's counter-revolutionary military regime. Translation by Jorge M and introduction by Renato Flores. Reading: Mick Labas. Read Article.
Manifesto for Post-Pandemic Politics
Conrad Hamilton, April 2, 2022
Manifesto for Post-Pandemic Politics was first published by &&&, the journal for the New Centre for Research & Practice, on November 11, 2021. It is re-published here, with a special addendum for Cosmonaut, so as to coincide with the Platypus International Convention 2022--an event which will also be exploring the idiom of "post-pandemic politics," and will feature a presentation by Manifesto co-author Conrad Hamilton. Read Article.
Why the “Ruling Class” Need Not Rule: Nicos Poulantzas and the Marxist Theory of the State
Tony Chamas, November 21, 2023
Tony Chamas argues that Nicos Poulantzas offers a Marxist theory of the state that explains the inadequacies of both reformist politics and oversimplified conceptions of the relationship between the “ruling class” and state policy. Read Article.